A 40-year record of resolving municipal environmental challenges.
Why B&D?
Municipal governments face distinct environmental regulatory challenges. In addition to the diverse group of stakeholders who hold leaders accountable for environmental stewardship, performance, and progress, cities and towns must integrate a number of unique legal requirements.
Beveridge & Diamond helps municipalities navigate the various federal and state regulations that govern their operations, building on our track record since the firm’s beginnings at the dawn of the environmental era. We are uniquely positioned to guide municipalities through complex project development and permitting processes, interactions with the federal government, and environmental and natural resource litigation.
Technical and Scientific Background, Former Government Experience
To effectively deal with the environmental issues facing municipalities, we draw on our technical and scientific backgrounds and litigation and regulatory expertise. We also tap prior career experience as in-house counsel at municipal water agencies, transportation agencies, the U.S. military, U.S. EPA, and state environmental agencies and attorneys general offices.
Our services cover the gamut of water and wastewater treatment (with an emphasis on stormwater and inter-governmental water allocation agreements), solid waste management, hazardous waste and resource recovery matters, as well as infrastructure development and permitting, regulatory compliance, and environmental justice. We advise some states that have assumed responsibility and accountability for managing NEPA environmental review processes.
Industry Activity
We are active in associations related to municipal environmental issues, such as the National Association of Clean Water Agencies and Conference of Minority Transportation Officials.