
B&D Welcomes Eight Attorneys in Q2

B&D continued its strategic growth in the second quarter of 2024. Since April, the firm has added eight new attorneys, ranging from principals to associates, who will practice in our Austin, Baltimore, Seattle, and Washington, DC, offices. Please join us in welcoming Lou Manzo, Amber Ahmed, Tap Kolkin, Claire Schachter, Jackie Eisermann, Jason Frank, Elizabeth Nugent Morrow, and Charlie Spencer-Davis.

"We are excited for our growth to continue with this combination of experienced government lawyers and talented firm lawyers who have decided to make B&D their home to practice environmental law. We look forward to their contributions to our clients in key markets and practices, including white collar, litigation, ESG and sustainability, products, renewable energy, and waste.” 
Marc J. Goldstein, Firmwide Managing Principal

Louis J. Manzo (Principal, Washington, DC)

Lou provides strategic counsel on high-stakes matters, focusing on complex and large-scale white collar litigation, investigations, and government enforcement (including environmental advertising and marketing claims such as greenwashing and carbon credit fraud). Clients benefit from his experience leading criminal investigations across the country as a former Assistant United States Attorney in the District of Columbia and Trial Attorney at the Fraud Section at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). Lou tried over thirty cases to verdict, including high-profile matters such as the Oath Keepers militia sedition prosecution and the largest COVID-19 pandemic fraud conspiracy investigation. He understands the government from the inside out, including the motivations and strategies of federal prosecutors. Lou stands ready to deliver the highest quality results for entities and individuals facing the government.

J. Amber Ahmed (Of Counsel, Austin)

Amber leverages her experience with the Texas Office of the Attorney General (OAG) to guide clients through federal, state, administrative, and appellate litigation. At OAG, Amber was an Assistant Attorney General in the Environmental Protection Division, where she served as Managing Attorney of the Natural Resources and Environmental Defense Section. Amber counseled Texas state agencies and state officials for critical, strategic, and high-profile decision-making regarding enforcement, permitting, rulemaking, cost recovery, and eminent domain. Amber litigated Texas’s interests in state and federal district courts and on appeal, where she defended and enforced Texas’s environmental regulatory decisions and challenged unfavorable federal rules and policies.

Thomas “Tap” Kolkin (Of Counsel, Baltimore)

With nearly a decade of experience at DOJ’s Environmental Enforcement Section, Tap helps clients navigate a wide range of issues arising under the major environmental statues. While at DOJ, Tap led civil enforcement case teams in various Clean Air Act (CAA) matters, negotiated and drafted numerous consent decrees, and enforced stormwater and industrial wastewater permits under the Clean Water Act (CWA). Tap also has experience working on Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) matters and other issues relating to contaminated sites. Thanks to his experience in government, Tap is well-positioned to advise clients on litigation risks and strategy in enforcement matters, litigate issues when necessary, and negotiate settlement terms when such resolutions are appropriate. Additionally, Tap understands the federal government’s environmental justice initiatives and stands ready to counsel clients accordingly.

Claire Schachter (Of Counsel, Washington, DC)

Claire works with clients to assess and mitigate supply chain risks and keep abreast of ESG developments worldwide. She focuses her practice on international supply chain legal and commercial risks, including those arising from human rights and climate-related laws, regulations, and policies. Claire helps clients develop strategies to mitigate risk and enhance resilience using supply chain mapping, conducting due diligence on existing and potential suppliers, updating procurement policies and supplier contracts, and advising on related engagement with U.S. regulators and non-governmental organizations. She also advises on the development of new ESG-related supply chain regulations and standards, including carbon border measures, climate risk disclosure requirements, and compliance obligations under domestic and international supply chain laws, including the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, the California Transparency in Supply Chain Act, and the UK Modern Slavery Act.

Jackie Eisermann (Associate, Washington, DC)

Jackie maintains a comprehensive practice advising companies on complex regulatory compliance and litigation matters. Her representative experience includes advising organizations on a wide array of regulatory frameworks, including the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), CERCLA, Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), CWA, Occupational Safety and Health Act, and state counterparts. She brings five years of experience defending clients in litigation against claims of nuisance, trespass, negligence, and similar toxic tort claims in federal and state courts. Jackie also advises clients on developing creative regulatory and compliance strategies, including hazardous waste management and disposal programs, RCRA audits, Land Application System permitting, PFAS manufacturing liabilities, extended producer responsibility laws, and landfill closures.

Jason R. Frank (Associate, Seattle)

Jason counsels utilities on an array of environmental regulatory compliance issues and litigation that may arise. His practice focuses primarily on energy issues and litigation, particularly for electric power utilities. Jason has experience reviewing and drafting interconnection and transmission policies, as well as revising power purchase agreements and interconnection agreements. He works closely on energy topics in the Pacific Northwest, including Oregon renewable portfolio standard compliance, emissions reduction requirements and compliance, facility siting process and requirements, and utility wildfire liability.

Elizabeth Nugent Morrow (Associate, Washington, DC)

Elizabeth assists clients with regulatory compliance issues concerning chemical substances under TSCA and similar international chemical regulations. She also has experience leading extensive voluntary compliance audits under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Audit Policy and managing liability under penalty mitigation policies. Before joining B&D, Elizabeth worked as an Associate at a law firm where she worked on TSCA matters as well as civil litigation and enforcement matters concerning the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. She also previously served as an Attorney-Advisor for the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Office of Chief Counsel, where she provided counsel on enforcement actions under the Pipeline Safety Act.

Charlie H. Spencer-Davis (Associate, Washington, DC)

Charlie maintains a diverse national litigation and regulatory practice, offering forward-thinking advice and holistic strategies to clients across industries and issues. He has successfully represented public and private companies in federal and state courts, mediations, and arbitrations. His litigation experience encompasses environmental tort claims, including nuisance, negligence, and land use disputes. He has also represented clients for and against claims of breach of contract, trademark infringement, false advertising, various torts, and foreign sovereign immunity. Charlie’s advocacy further extends to clients’ regulatory and compliance issues. He assists clients in navigating the complexities of local, state, and federal rules and regulations. Charlie also has experience advising telecommunications clients in rights-of-way disputes and infrastructure deployment.