
B&D Sponsoring, John Cruden and Julius Redd Speaking at 29th Annual ABA SEER Fall Conference

Principals John Cruden and Julius Redd (Washington, DC) will speak at the American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources (ABA SEER)'s 29th Annual Fall Conference, which B&D is also sponsoring. 

John will participate in the panel "The Nine and Beyond: An Update on Recent Significant Environmental, Energy, and Resources Law Cases and What Could Be Coming Next," on Thursday, October 14 from 3:15-4:15 PM ET. John and his co-panelists will review, analyze, and discuss how the U.S. Supreme Court's full docket of environmental, energy, and resources law cases are likely to shape and influence the future of those practice areas. They will also consider major environmental cases that have been decided by the federal appellate courts with an eye towards the most likely candidates for Supreme Court review.

Julius will moderate the panel "The Role of and Challenges with the Clean Air Act in Realizing the Biden Administration’s Efforts to Improve Air Quality, Reduce Greenhouse Gases, and Advance Environmental Justice," on Friday, October 15, from 1:30-2:30 PM ET. The panelists will discuss the Biden administration's implementation of the Clean Air Act (CAA) to better ensure access to clean air, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, hold polluters accountable, and advance environmental justice. They will address the administration’s effort to review Trump-era rules including those establishing national air quality standards and regulating greenhouse gas emissions, mobile sources, and critical industry sectors such as energy and oil and gas. Additionally, they will discuss the administration’s plans to enhance CAA enforcement, particularly in overburdened communities, and how and whether the CAA can be used to advance the Biden administration’s climate change agenda.

Associate Kate Tipple (San Francisco) serves on the Conference Planning Committee.

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