
B&D Sponsoring, Presenting ACC Webinar on Environmental Justice

Update: On January 6, Inside EPA published an article titled, "Democrats’ Georgia Victories Might Boost Prospects For Sweeping EJ Bill," that references key insights offered by Julius, Hilary, and Stacey during this webinar. 

Beveridge & Diamond's Julius Redd (Principal, DC) and Hilary Jacobs (Associate, DC), and Stacey Halliday (Independent Consultant for Beveridge & Diamond) will present an Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Environmental & Sustainability Network webinar on Tuesday, January 5 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. ET.

With recent developments in key states and longtime proponents set to assume leadership positions at the federal level, the environmental justice (EJ) movement is rapidly influencing mainstream policy. Leaders of Beveridge & Diamond’s EJ practice will consider the business case for incorporating EJ principles into operations; survey the emerging landscape; forecast anticipated EJ policy, regulation, and legislation; and provide recommendations regarding how companies can mitigate EJ risks and avail themselves of potential opportunities.

If you are corporate counsel and would like to register for this webinar, please click here.

Beveridge & Diamond is proud to sponsor the ACC Environmental and Sustainability Network, a group that enhances the ability of ACC members to practice environmental law. It provides support for the development of related programs within their client companies for both operations and products, including aspects of sustainable development and health and safety issues related to environmental law.