Drew Silton Speaking on NACWA Webinar on Legal and Regulatory Issues Facing Clean Water Utilities During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Beveridge & Diamond principal Drew Silton (Washington, DC) will speak during a webinar presented by the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) titled, "Legal & Regulatory Considerations for Clean Water Utilities During COVID-19."

The webinar will discuss recent federal enforcement guidance issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Justice, the impact of Force Majeure clauses in consent decrees and settlement agreements, and the potential for consent decree modification and citizen lawsuits.

As the leading law firm for environmental, health, and safety law and litigation, Beveridge & Diamond helps clients with unprecedented challenges posed by COVID-19. Our team includes lawyers with high-level federal government experience, including determining when to exercise enforcement discretion, grant or deny Force Majeure petitions, and sufficiency of documentation. Visit B&D’s COVID-19 EH&S Resource Center for more information on navigating the global pandemic. B&D's Water practice group develops creative, strategically tailored solutions to challenges that arise under the nation’s water laws.