
B&D Litigators to Present on Key SCOTUS Takeaways for the Association of Corporate Counsel

B&D litigators will present an Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Environmental & Sustainability Network Legal Update webinar, "Key Environmental Takeaways from the 2023-2024 U.S. Supreme Court Term."

During this webinar, the speakers will provide takeaways and insights from the Supreme Court’s recent decisions relevant to environmental and administrative law.

ACC members can register for this program here. If you are not an ACC member, please email [email protected] for more information.

Beveridge & Diamond is proud to sponsor the ACC Environmental and Sustainability Network, a group that enhances the ability of ACC members to practice environmental law. The Network provides resources, peer connections, and other support for member companies on environmental and sustainability issues for facilities and products, including project development and worker health and safety issues.