Marc Goldstein Quoted in Law360 on Potential Impact of Maine Recycling Law


Law360 quoted Beveridge & Diamond Boston Office Managing Principal Marc Goldstein in its article “Maine Recycling Law Could Spark Wave Of Policies Across US.” The article focuses on the potential influence of new legislation in Maine that requires companies to pay to recycle the packaging on their products, a type of "extended producer responsibility” (EPR).

Marc commented that the new law could signal a major paradigm shift as Maine and other states retool their plans to handle waste and analyze how they might increase recycling rates.

"Maine's not the biggest marketplace for lots of companies, I'm sure,” Marc said, “but the reality is I think Maine is a canary in the coal mine for what's happening on EPR, which is to say Maine is not going to be alone for very long. I think companies are going to keep an eye on it carefully, but they're going to have to start thinking about what the impacts are."

Marc’s practice focuses on solid waste permitting and litigation as well as environmental contamination and cost recovery litigation.