
Beveridge & Diamond Sponsoring, Speaking at AIRROC and EECMA Mega-Superfund Site Symposium

Beveridge & Diamond, P.C. is proud to sponsor the AIRROC and EECMA Mega-Superfund Site Symposium, taking place September 7 in Philadelphia. This symposium will address the many challenges that arise from Mega Superfund Sites, such as the Portland Harbor, the Lower Passaic River, and other similar contaminated sediment sites, with remediation costs estimated in the billions.

The conference will cover the regulatory climate governing such sites under the current Administration, a discussion of a proposed expansion of the Great Lakes Legacy Act scheme, the unique challenges concerning the remediation of these sites, the Natural Resource Damage components of these sites, how the complex legal liability allocation process works and defenses to liability, and the insurance coverage implications. Dave Weber and Loren Dunn (Principals, Seattle) will speak at the Symposium, and Pam Marks (Principal, Baltimore) will attend.

To learn more please visit the AIRROC website or our CERCLA/Superfund Practice page